what do you eat first..the tail or the ear?

I eat the ears first....

Birmingham music go-ers..and Neko Case- AWESOME

Neko Case - Workplay April 4th, 2009

So, Neko came to Birmingham for the first time in a LONG time. Obviously, Birmingham was greatly appreciative....for the Workplay Soundstage room was packed out ( this is a big room). I must say, I was very proud of Birmingham when I showed up at the show, I actually had to wait in a line to get in. Generally, Birmingham folks get excited about Snoop Dogg coming to town, or Katie Perry....yea...not I. If they do like more underground bands ...they don't show it. So many great bands come to town, and people take it for granted and don't show up. For instance, Langhorne Slim did a show at the Bottletree last year, I was one of 11 people there, and I think 10 of those people were actually there to drink and didn't even know who Langhorne Slim was. So the fact that Neko Case had an almost Sold out show, was amazing to me. Not amazing for the fact that she is not worth it, because she is beyond worth that many people, but more amazed by the fact that people here know who she is, and actually showed up for a show.

Round of applause Birmingham, give yourself a pat on the back.

Now in some B'ham folk's defense... there is generally a regular crowd that is really into music and shows up at shows..but like I said..they are regulars. The same people over and over again take the opportunity to go to these rockin' shows. Thats awesome, but I like everyone's participation....I like to see the preppy folks at the indie shows...that way it gives me no reason to stereotype people. I also like to see locals support locals, not just because your friend is in a band and you want to show your support ( which that is still great to do) but because you opened up the Black and White newspaper or a Birmingham Weekly and saw a band listed that is from Birmingham, that you have never heard of...and you have nothing planned for that friday night, so you should go throw that $5.00 that bands way. You may even figure out that you like that band. I mean a "big' artist/band has to come from somewhere right? So maybe that band you took a chance on paying 5.00 to see ends up on Conan O' Brian next week and then has a record deal with Columbia records( uhh. the Avett Brothers... ? They aren't local but they came to Birmingham many times and I remember many times when not many people showed up to shows..and now everyone is going crazy over them. umm because they are awesome and ALWAYS have been..YOU BETTER BE AT THE SHOW ON THE 25th!!!) . Things like this happen all the time and people jump at the opportunity to see a band that they never went and seen before they got famous.

Enough of my ramblings...

Neko Case, her voice is harmonious, beautiful, echoing....i could go on. Also, they brought a little humor to the stage. If you were there, how about that "dutch omlette" everyone.
If you have not heard of Neko Case, or seen her live...please do ..soon. You won't regret it.